About Us

Art without Borders is non-profit organization based in Vancouver, British Columbia whose goal is twofold.  On the one hand, it strives to promote an understanding and appreciation for Czech and Slovak culture through the arts both within and without the Czech and Slovak community, and on the other hand, it endeavors to cultivate dialogue between Canada and Central Europe.  Dialogue enables people to gain knowledge of other countries, their cultures and their histories and only then can we, as an organization, hope to implement change in attitudes and perceptions of and encourage a keen interest in Central Europe and more specifically, in the Czech and Slovak Republic.

Art without Borders strives to help bridge the gaps between cultures through art, music, theatre and dance since these media are avenues through which communities all over the globe can relate and communicate.  By bringing the Czech and Slovak arts to British Columbia, not only will we foster dialogue between Canada and the Czech and Slovak Republic, but we will also illustrate and share with others a rich, long-standing yet modern and forward-thinking country.